3. Quality Management

  • Created by: ejholroyd
  • Created on: 04-07-22 12:17
What steps are taken to develop a quality management plan for a project?
1. Plan- Defining the testing process & metrics to be used

2. Control- Defining the executable activities from the quality plan- who, what, when & how

3. Assurance- Continuous improvement, quality audits (root cause analysis, pareto charts etc.)
1 of 5
Describe a process that a project manager can follow to revise and monitor a quality management plan.
-Identify change
-Submit change request
-Change request reviewed
-Plans updated
-Distribute actions
2 of 5
What are the principles of the Deming Cycle?
Continuous improvement model: Plan, Do, Study, Act
3 of 5
Why is it important to continually review project deliverables to ensure they are meeting the appropriate requirements?
-Ensures cohesive team alignment of the project team

-Allows corrective and preventative actions to be implemented where necessary

-Used to report progress of project delivery
4 of 5
What tools/techniques can be used to ensure quality standards are met?
-Utilised national & organisation quality standards e.g. ISO's

-Proto-types and testing

-Root cause analysis- identifying the cause

-Risk impact reduction- having planned contingencies in place.
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Describe a process that a project manager can follow to revise and monitor a quality management plan.


-Identify change
-Submit change request
-Change request reviewed
-Plans updated
-Distribute actions

Card 3


What are the principles of the Deming Cycle?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why is it important to continually review project deliverables to ensure they are meeting the appropriate requirements?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What tools/techniques can be used to ensure quality standards are met?


Preview of the front of card 5


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