20th Century Religious Language

  • Created by: MPlattHGS
  • Created on: 18-11-22 15:40
What is meant by cognitive language?
Factual statements, proved true or false by empirical evidence.
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What is meant by non-cognitive language?
Statements that cannot be proved true or false. Expresses things we could never know and often includes feelings and values.
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Who led the Vienna Circle?
Moritz Schlick
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Who argued that we were entering a new phase of ‘positivism’ after going through the ‘theological’ and ‘metaphysical’ phase.
Auguste Comte
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Who wrote Language, Truth and Logic?
A.J. Ayer
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Who said: ‘Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must remain silent’
Ludwig Wittgenstein
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What two criteria did Ayer outline for a statement to be meaningful?
Tautologous or Empirically Verifiable
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What is the title of the essay in which Ayer argues that religious language is meaningless?
God talk is evidently nonsense
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What is meant by verifiability in practice?
Statements which could be tested in reality.
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What is meant by verifiability in principle?
Statements which we cannot verify in practice, but know what observations would lead it to be true.
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Who wrote a reply to Ayer titled: ‘God-talk is Not Evidently Nonsense’
Richard Swinburne
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What statement did Swinburne use to show the limits of the verification principle?
All ravens are black
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What parable did Hick use to explain eschatological verification?
Parable of the Celestial City
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Who said: 'Don't ask for the meaning as for the use.'
Ludwig Wittgenstien
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What does the term Lebensform mean?
Form of Life
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Wittgenstein saw religious language as...
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Wittgenstein claimed all language was essentially...
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Who argued that religious statements suffer death by a thousand qualifications?
Antony Flew
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Flew argued religious statements are ultimately...
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What parable did Flew use to illustrate his ideas?
The Parable of the Gardener
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What parable did Hare use to illustrate his ideas?
The Lunatic and the University Dons
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What parable did Mitchell use to illustrate his ideas?
The Partisan
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Who argued that religious statements were expressions of a blik?
R.M. Hare
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R.M. Hare concluded that religious language was...
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What is meant by a blik?
Unfalsifiable beliefs according to which a worldview is established – which are not necessarily meaningless.
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Mitchell ultimately concludes...
Religious language is meaningful but statements are made using ambiguous evidence.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is meant by non-cognitive language?


Statements that cannot be proved true or false. Expresses things we could never know and often includes feelings and values.

Card 3


Who led the Vienna Circle?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Who argued that we were entering a new phase of ‘positivism’ after going through the ‘theological’ and ‘metaphysical’ phase.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who wrote Language, Truth and Logic?


Preview of the front of card 5
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