2. Alternatives to resolution, problems, changes and limitations

  • Created by: ejholroyd
  • Created on: 29-06-22 12:33
What actions can be taken to create and support a creative environment?
1. Try new ideas
2. No personal blame.
3. Alternative opinions and views
4. Collaborative meetings
5. Clear communication
6. Clear goal and direction
1 of 5
Why is creative thinking important for finding solutions to problems?
-Innovative solutions

-Systems thinking

-Unique and different situtations
2 of 5
What are the benefits for applying analytical techniques to finance and data trends in an organisation?
1. Clear facts
2. Summarises key info
3. Identifies problems
4. Trends to inform decisions
3 of 5
What are the benefits of multiple perspectives?
-Range of opinions

-Knowledge & Experience

-Raises issues other issues

-Encourages innovation
4 of 5
What techniques can be used to develop creative solutions?
1. Mind Mapping
2. Visualisation
3. Proof of concepts
4. Weighted scoring
5. Story boarding
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why is creative thinking important for finding solutions to problems?


-Innovative solutions

-Systems thinking

-Unique and different situtations

Card 3


What are the benefits for applying analytical techniques to finance and data trends in an organisation?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the benefits of multiple perspectives?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What techniques can be used to develop creative solutions?


Preview of the front of card 5


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