1st Stage of Pre Verbal Language

  • Created by: Ateeba
  • Created on: 04-12-13 14:03
Crying (Vegetative stage) 0-4 months
Child expresses itself vocally through crying. Signals: hunger, distress, pleasure. All demands met through crying. Only way they know how to communicate.
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INSTINCTIVE - NOISE (not language)
Crying (Vegetative stage) 0-4 months
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Cooing Stage - 6-8 weeks old
Also known as gurgling or mewing 'coo' 'gaga' 'goo' child has developed increasing control over vocal chords.
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Babaling Stage (most important stage in 1st year) 6-9 months
Sounds begin to resemble adults sounds more closely. Constanant and vowel combinations 'ba' 'ma' 'da'. Start to use Bilabial (use of lips). Sounds more common when they are repeated = reduplicated monosyllables (baba, mama).
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Protowords 9 - 12 months
vocalisatiors words that are not matching actual words but used consistently for the same reason and meaning. 'mmmmm' give me that whilst pointing
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Crying (Vegetative stage) 0-4 months


INSTINCTIVE - NOISE (not language)

Card 3


Also known as gurgling or mewing 'coo' 'gaga' 'goo' child has developed increasing control over vocal chords.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Sounds begin to resemble adults sounds more closely. Constanant and vowel combinations 'ba' 'ma' 'da'. Start to use Bilabial (use of lips). Sounds more common when they are repeated = reduplicated monosyllables (baba, mama).


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


vocalisatiors words that are not matching actual words but used consistently for the same reason and meaning. 'mmmmm' give me that whilst pointing


Preview of the back of card 5


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