1: Cells and cell processes

1:Cell surface membrane
Controls the movement of materials in and out of the cell
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Contains our genetic material and controls activities of the cell
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Where most of the chemical reactions take place
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Produce proteins such as enzymes, insulin and haemoglobin
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A group of cells with similar structure or function e.g. muscle tissue, nerve tissue
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Contain several tissues to perform a particular function e.g. the arm
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Groups of organs which perform a particular function e.g. digestive system
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8:Cellular Respiration
Cells need energy, nutrients and oxygen in order to function efficiently
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The release of energy from food molecules
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Stored glycogen and fats are the main energy supplies in cells and these are converted into glucose which is used in respiration.
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11:Aerobic Respiration
Energy is released from the glucose when oxygen is available to the cell
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12:Word equation for Aerobic Respiration
Glucose + oxygen - carbon dioxide + water + energy
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13:Anaerobic Respiration
When the body mat bot be able to provide enough oxygen to the muscle cells. This releases a limited amount of energy and lactic acid.
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14:Lactic Acid
Can build up during physical activity and can cause muscle fatigue and cramp
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15:Word equation for Anaerobic Respiration
Glucose - lactic acid + energy
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16:Cell processes - diffusion
Substances and molecules move between cells by the process of diffusion. If there is a lot of oxygen outside a cell it will diffuse into the cell. This occurs because molecules move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
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17:Cell processes- osmosis
Water diffuses across the permeable cell membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
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18:Cell processes - enzymes
Cells need enzymes. If an enzyme is missing or not working correctly then the cells malfunction.
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Large molecules of protein and chemical reactions in the cell are controlled by at least one enzyme, they are a type of catalyst and can speed up chemical reactions in both building up and breaking down processes.
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20:What is the best temperature for enzymes to work at?
37c - normal body temperature
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Card 2


Contains our genetic material and controls activities of the cell



Card 3


Where most of the chemical reactions take place


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Card 4


Produce proteins such as enzymes, insulin and haemoglobin


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Card 5


A group of cells with similar structure or function e.g. muscle tissue, nerve tissue


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