11A - Weekly Physical Checks on Animals

What do healthy eyes look like in every species of animal?
clear, bright and round
1 of 10
What do unhealthy eyes look like in dogs, cats, rabbits, goats and chickens?
visible discharge, cloudy and bloodshot appearance
2 of 10
What do unhealthy eyes look like in bearded dragons?
shed scales stuck on eyelids, swelling and droopy eyes
3 of 10
What do healthy ears look like in dogs, cats, rabbits and goats?
moveable, clean, warm and no visible signs of ear mites
4 of 10
What do unhealthy ears look like in dogs, cats, rabbits and goats?
waxy, dirty, unresponsive to sound
5 of 10
What do unhealthy ears look like in bearded dragons?
blocked, damage to membrane
6 of 10
What do healthy nose nostrils look like in dogs, cats and goats?
moist to the touch
7 of 10
What do unhealthy nose nostrils look like in dogs, cats, goats, chickens and bearded dragons?
discharge and crusty build up around nostrils
8 of 10
What does an unhealthy mouth and teeth look like in dogs, cats, rabbits and goats?
damaged or missing teeth, excessive drooling
9 of 10
What does a healthy coat look like in dogs, cats, rabbits and goats?
full and glossy
10 of 10

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Card 2


What do unhealthy eyes look like in dogs, cats, rabbits, goats and chickens?


visible discharge, cloudy and bloodshot appearance

Card 3


What do unhealthy eyes look like in bearded dragons?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What do healthy ears look like in dogs, cats, rabbits and goats?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What do unhealthy ears look like in dogs, cats, rabbits and goats?


Preview of the front of card 5
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