
Explain the water solubility of carboxylic acids, in terms of hydrogen bonding.
The C=O and O-H bonds in carboxylic acids are polar allowing hydrogen bonds to form with water molecules; as the number of carbon atoms increases, the solubility decreases, as the non-polar carbon chain has a greater effect on the overall polarity.
1 of 9
What are the reactions of carboxylic acids, in aqueous conditions, with metals and bases?
See 6.1.3 sheet.
2 of 9
What is esterification?
The reaction of an alcohol with a carboxylic acid and an acid catalyst to form an ester; see green 6.1.3 flashcard 1.
3 of 9
Explain the esterification of acid anhydrides with alcohols.
acid anhydride + alcohol = ester + carboxylic acid.
4 of 9
What is an acid anhydride?
A molecule formed by the removal of water from two carboxylic acid molecules.
5 of 9
Explain the acid hydrolysis of esters.
Reflux with dilute aqueous acid; the products are a carboxylic acid and an alcohol.
6 of 9
Explain the alkaline hydrolysis of esters.
Reflux with aqueous hydroxide ions; irreversible reaction; the products are a carboxylate ion and an alcohol.
7 of 9
Explain the formation of acyl chlorides from carboxylic acids.
Acyl chlorides can be prepared directly from their parent carboxylic acid by reaction with thionyl chloride, SOCl2; the products are the acyl chloride, SO2 and HCl.
8 of 9
What are the reactions of acyl chlorides?
See 6.1.3 sheet 2.
9 of 9

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Card 2


What are the reactions of carboxylic acids, in aqueous conditions, with metals and bases?


See 6.1.3 sheet.

Card 3


What is esterification?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Explain the esterification of acid anhydrides with alcohols.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is an acid anhydride?


Preview of the front of card 5
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