Workplace Stress



  • Workload and Control
  • job-strain model of workplace stress was investigated.
  • Proposes that workplaces create stress and illness in two ways:
  • (1) high workload
  • (2) low job control
  • In civil service higher grade employees would experience high workload yet low-grade civil servants would experience low job contol.
  • Both grades are likely to experience high levels of stress.
  • 7372 civil servants in london answered a questionnaire on workload. job control and amount of social support and being checked for cardiovascular diseases.
  • An independent aseessment of workload and control by checking job spec and role responsibilities with personnel management- 5 years later participants were reassessed.
  • Workload
  • ^^ study found no link between high workload and stress-related illness, not a big factor in stress.
  • Other studies examined different aspects of demand or workload 
  • Effects of performing repetitive jobs requiring continuous attention and some responsibility were examined.
  • High risk groups have a stressful job with repetitive tasks, unrelenting pace and sense of responsibility for whole company as if they fall behind, the companys whole production is slowed down.
  • High risk group had high illness rates and higher levels of adrenaline in their urine.
  • High-risk group had higher levels of stress hormones on work days.
  • Control
  • Five years after the assessment, the people who reported low levels of job control were more likely to have


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