the nature of god

  • Created by: rxbyw
  • Created on: 18-01-19 19:22


omnipotent mean all powerful

"nothing is impossible with god"-Luke 1:33

gods omnipotence is benevolent

jesus' death on cross showed god's power to solve humanitys biggest problem of sin

god as LOVING:

benevolent means all loving

"god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son"-John 3:16

god created human to bestow his love on them

this encouraged christians to treat everybody with care and respect

jesus's death on the cross shows his love because he died in humanitys place

god as JUST:

god is the perfect giver of justice

god does not support injustice 

christians try to prevent these wrong when encountered

it is important for christians to believe god has these…


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