UK Climate

  • The UK has a mild climate - cool wet winters and warm, wet summers
    • Temperature: follows a seasonal pattern
      • Highest - July to August (average 19°C)
      • Lowest - January to February (average 6°C)
      • Temperature Change - 13°C
    • Precipitation: follows a seasonal pattern
      • Highest - October to January (120mm a month)
      • Lowest - April to July (70mm a month)
      • Fluctuates between February and March
    • Sunshine Hours: follows a seasonal pattern
      • Highest - May to August (170-180 hours per month)
      • Lowest - December to January (40 hours per month)
  • There are 5 main reasons why climate varies within the UK:
    • LATITUDE: (how far north or south of the equator a place is)
      • The higher in latitude you go, the colder it gets
      • The sun is at a lower point in the sky, so its heat energy is spread over more of the Earth's surface - each place recieves less heat energy than at lower latitudes
      • Southern parts of the UK are warmer than northern parts because of their lower latitudes
    • WINDS: 
      • The UK's




After reading this note, I can surely tell that these notes are copied by CGP Geography revision book which specifically not for AQA but overall.