Types of Attachment


Types of Attachment 

Secure Attachment (B):

  • Harmonious and co-operative interactions with caregiver
  • Not likely to cry or show distress when left with stranger
  • When anxious seek close bodily contact with caregiver and are easily soothed.
  • Comfortable with social interaction and intimacy. 
  • Use caregiver as secure base when exploring. 

Insecure Avoidant Attachment (A):

  • Tend to avoid social interaction and intimacy.
  • Little response to separation and do not seek proximity when caregiver returns. 
  • If infant is picked up, they do not cling or resist when put down. 
  • Happy to explore with or without caregiver. 
  • Generally highly anxious.

Insecure Resistant (C):

  • Both seek and resist intimacy and social interaction. 
  • Respond to seperation with immediate and intense distress and behave similarly towards strangers.
  • When reuinted, they are for and against contact, angrily resisting being picked up while also trying other ways to maintain proximity. 

Evaluation A03:

  • Other types of


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