Topic 3- The Earth, Moon, Sun System



  • He measured shadows in Syrene and Alexandria and calculated the angle between them (7.120)
  • He the measured the distance between the 2 cities (5000 stadia)
  • He then calculated the circumference


  • Measured witdth of Moon and Sun using lunar eclipse (20)
  • He then triangulated the Moon, Sun and Earth
  • He then measured the angle between the half Moon and Sun (870)
  • Worked out the Sun was 18-20 times further away


  • Tides are caused by the gravitational attraction of the Moon and Sun pulling on the water on Earth's surface
  • Tides change because the Moon is orbiting Earth, so the gravitaional pull is stronger in some places compared to others
  • Tides also change because the Sun exerts a tidal force that is 40% that of the Moon, meaning it is stronger when in line with the Sun and Moon

Spring and Neap Tides

  • Spring tides


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