Topic 16- Cosmology


Doppler Effect

The apparent change of the wavelength of a wave due to the relative motion between the source and observer

Redshift and Blueshift

  • Redshift: objects with light emitted from longer distances are moving away from us 
  • (Observed Wavelength - Rest Wavelength / Rest Wavelength= Galaxie's Velocity/ Speed of Light)- redshift equation
  • Blueshift: objetcs with light emitted from shorter distances are moving towards us

Radial Velocity

It is how fast an object is travelling in the direction of the line of sight

Hubble's Law

  • The speed of a galaxy is proportional to its distance
  • Recession Velocity= Hubble Constant x Distance to Galaxy
  • The estimate for Hubble's Constant is approximately 68 km/s per Mpc

Steady State Theory

As the Universe expanded, the density of the existing Universe stayed constant-


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