The role of neural and hormonal mechanisim in agression


Aggression is an act which is an attention to harm someone through physical or verbal way so they could gain advantage over someone else. Biological approach would suggest that aggression is created through physical distributions which affect our brain or hormones.

Neural mechanism would explain aggression through the limbic system which is a set of brain which includes amygdala, which if it is affected increases aggression. Case study support for the role in aggression of amygdala comes from Phineas Cage who got more aggressiveafter his brain got damaged. However as it is a case study it can not be generalised because it was only one example of it and as well we don't know are there any other factors which could have contributed to Phineas Cage becoming aggressive. Electrical stimulation of amygdala produces aggression in both animals and humans which is explained by neural mechanisms. Further support for amygdala comes from Narabyashi who found that out of 51 , 43 had reduced aggression after a psycho surgery which suggests that neural mechanism has a significant role in aggression.Research can however be criticised because it is a small sample size as 51 people can not be generalised with the population.

Hormonal explanation of aggression would say that it is because of the imbalance of hormones as they increase aggression in humans.High levels male hormones testosterones would be an example of hormones which increase aggression. Research support for testosterone's comes from Dabbs who found that prisoners who had higher levels of testosterone's were more likely to commit a murder which supports that hormones have a role in increasing aggression. Dabbs studied 692 male prisoners and separated them into two groups.


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