A2 Psychology - Aggression Quiz!!

This is a quiz about the Unit 3 topic - 'Aggression'. I know some studies/theories may vary depending on your teacher, school etc so don't worry if some of the things you have never heard of - you probably just know different things! 

Also, some of the (wrong) answers i may have made up or come from a different topic, so again if you don't have a clue who or what they are, they most likely have nothing to do with this topic or psychology for that matter.

Social learning theory claims that there is two stages that occur in learning. These are called...
1 of 11
Dopamine is another neural mechanism that is a cause of aggression. The relationship between dopamine and aggression is a negative correlation. True or False?
2 of 11
The main problem in the research into the effects neural mechanisms on aggression is that the direction of causality is unknown. Who performed a study that found that aggression can change the levels in these neural mechanisms?
Couppis and Kennedy
3 of 11
Cortisol is another hormonal mechanism that also has an effect on aggression, due to the fact that it lowers aggressive behaviour by decreasing the hormone mentioned in question 14. True or False?
4 of 11
The XYY syndrome is another genetic factor that can cause aggressive behaviour, as a man is born with an extra "Y" Chromosome. This therefore increases the amount of aggressive behaviour because...
it gives the male extra masculine traits
5 of 11
The role of MAOA (in genetic factors of aggression) on aggression is due to the fact that the protein....
regulates the metabolism of seretonin
6 of 11
In social learning theory, you are likely imitate when the person doing the aggressive behaviour is a Role Model and when else?
When Vicarious Reinforcement occurs
7 of 11
The XYY syndrome is another genetic factor that is a cause of aggression. this is an abnormality where a male is born with an extra "Y" chromosome. This then increases aggression because...
it means the male has extra masculine traits
8 of 11
'Power-Threat Hypothesis' (Blalock, 68) and 'Dehumanisation' (Hyatt, 99) are two theories behind what, in group display of aggression?
Lynch Mobs
9 of 11
Deindividuation can occur in many ways, one of which is through being in a crowd. What other way can you become deindividuated?
Dehumanisation of victim
10 of 11
The main theory behind the 'Dispositional Model' as an explanation of institutional aggression (prisons) is...
Importation Theory
11 of 11

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Card 2


Dopamine is another neural mechanism that is a cause of aggression. The relationship between dopamine and aggression is a negative correlation. True or False?



Card 3


The main problem in the research into the effects neural mechanisms on aggression is that the direction of causality is unknown. Who performed a study that found that aggression can change the levels in these neural mechanisms?


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Card 4


Cortisol is another hormonal mechanism that also has an effect on aggression, due to the fact that it lowers aggressive behaviour by decreasing the hormone mentioned in question 14. True or False?


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Card 5


The XYY syndrome is another genetic factor that can cause aggressive behaviour, as a man is born with an extra "Y" Chromosome. This therefore increases the amount of aggressive behaviour because...


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Emileigh Spencer


Same question about 3 times. Annoyed me!

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