The Taming of the Shrew Quotes (Act 5)


Act 5.1 Page 99: "I have seen them in the church together". 

Act 5.1 Page 101: "his name is Tranio...Away, away, mad as(s)! His name is Lucentio". 

Act 5.1 Page 102: "cony-catched in this business." (Deceived) 

"That have by marriage made thy daughter mine While counterfeit supposes blear'd thine eyne." 

Act 5.1 Page 104: "Better once than never, for never too late." (Taming process) 

Act 5.2 Page 105: "And I am mean indeed, respecting you." (Kate still has some of her shrew-like qualities)

Act 5.2 Page 106: "That's my office." (Hortensio becomes new Tamer) 

"Would say your head and but(t) were head and horn." (Bianca= new shrew)

Act 5.2 Page 107: "And he whose wife is most obediant...shall win the wager". 

Act 5.2 Page 108: "She is busy".


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