The Motor Effect, the Generator effect

  • Created by: F.W1234
  • Created on: 27-04-18 20:47
  • When a conducting wire is placed in between two poles they both exert a force on one another, this is called the motor effect and can cause the wire to move.
  • The wire must be at a right angle to the magnetic feild.
  • This can be shown using a horse shoe magnet, theres a space between each pole for the current carrying wire to go, you can also put in on rails so that you can see it move.
  • The magnitude of the force increases with the strength of the magnetic feild.
  • The force also increases with an increase in current passing through the conductor (wire).

Flemings left hand rule: Thumb = Motion, First finger = magnetic feild, Second finger = Current.

The magnetic feild always goes form North ---> South,  and the current always goes from  Positive ----> Negative!

With a coil turning in between poles you use the left hand rule on both sides of the coil to determind which way (clockwise and anticlockwise).

The Generator effect: Induces…


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