Tension in 'Dracula' and 'Frankenstein'

  • Created by: SKaz09
  • Created on: 13-04-18 20:06

PARA 1: 'Dracula'

  • Dreams and nightmares is used early in the novel to illustrate Jonathan's unease as he is entering the East 
  • "I did not sleep well, though my bed was comfortable enough, for I had all sorts of queer dreams." This hints to the reader Harker is subconsciously worried and creates even more anxiety. This creates tension as strange dreams/visions may be seen as a sign to the reader, that he is having premonititions. 
  • The following day he encounters a strange old woman whom "...went down on her knees and implored [Harker] not to go." This can be viewed as an ominious warning which further builds tension and this woman's frantic state is abnormal and causes us to question what must be awaiting Harker at the Count's Castle. 


  • Dreams and nightmares is further connoted in 'Frankenstein' as immediately after the creation of his monster, he dreams of Elizabeth dying in his arms.
  • "I thought I imprinted the first kiss on her lips, they became livid with the hue of death; (...) I beheld the wretch - the miserable monster whom I created." Victor's dreams reveals the neuropsychological state of his mind which exhibits his inner troubles as his health is deteriorating as this dream indicates he is worried about Elizabeth. This builds tension as this dream foreshadows Elizabeth's death through a morbid and harrowing image. 
  • Therefore, dreams and nightmares is used to create tension by revealing the character's anxieties which foreshadows what is to come. 

Para 2: 'Dracula'

  • Religion and superstition is used to build tension at the beginning of the novel as Harker overhears a strange conversation. 
  • "I could hear a lot of words often repeated (...) amongst them were ordog - Satan, pokol - hell..." This is crucial in building tension as this creates a sense of mystery - Harker doesn't understand their meaning despite the dictionary referring to Dracula. 
  • Jonathan goes on to note that "...all made the sign of the cross and pointed two fingers towards me." This increases Jonathan's uneasiness and further implies that Harker's destination is that of an unholy one. 


  • Tension is created through language. Before Victor's creation comes to life and the real signs of Frankenstein's personality and emotions seeps in. 
  • Shelley uses a metaphor to depict this: "my candle was nearly burnt out." This has a double meaning: that his candle is actually burning low on its wick and that Frankenstein has been running out of time and patience while creating the creature, which has led him to exhaustion. 
  • This metaphor creates tension as it gives the reader the impression that somethign creepy and terrifyng is about to occur as this sets the scene that Victor is sat in the dark, working on the creature by the light of one small candle; that soon will fade and he will be left in the dark, alone. 

Para 3: 'Dracula'

  • The grotesque is used to build tension upon Harker officially meeting Dracula. He notes that: "His face…


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