Probability, Aesthetic and Anthropy



This is where the concept of the prinicples of aesthetic and anthropy came in to play. The aesthetic principle describes that since there is such beauty in the world, it has to have been desgined by a supreme creator. For example, a sunset is too beautiful to not have been designed to be and as such, must have been God who designed it. Furthermore, we recongise beauty in the world and this, as Tennant suggests, is God showing us He exists and is objective proof for a designer, particularly God. 

The second concept or principle is the anthropic principle. This suggests that the world that we exist upon was designed perfectly to sustain such life. He suggests that this is supported by the idea that if even the smallest atom or molecule were not fixed in a certain way, the chances of us being here are drastically increased. From the composition of the atmosphere to the position in the solar system, everything seems to be perfectly placed in order to not only sustain life but to create it. As such, there must be a designer.


He suggested an idea based on probability. By this, Swinburne suggested one thing: which is the most likely, most probable answer, we appeared by chance, or by a designer? This suggestion leads to the conclusion that it would take…


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