Studying inheritance



  • Genotype is the genetic constitution of an organism  
  • It describes all the alleles that an organism has
  • The genotype determines the limits within which the characteristics of an individual may vary
  • For example, it may determine that a human baby could grow to be 1.8m tall, but the actual height that this individual reaches is affected by other factors, such as diet


  • Is the observable or biochemical characteristics of an organism
  • It is the result of the interaction between the expression of the genotype and the environment
  • The environment can alter an organism's phenotype


  • A gene is a length of DNA that is a sequence of nucleotide bases, that normally code for a particular polypeptide 
  • A gene does this by coding for a particular polypeptide
  • This polypeptide may be an enzyme that is needed in the biochemical pathway that leads to the production of the characteristic (for example, a gene could code for a brown pigment in the iris of the eye)
  • Genes exist in two, or more different forms called alleles
  • The position of a gene on a particular DNA molecule is known as the locus


  • One of the different forms of a gene
  • For example, in pea plants there is a gene for the colour of the seed pod
  • This gene has two


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