Static Electricity (P4)

  • Created by: caits
  • Created on: 11-04-14 13:33

Atomic Structure:

Atomic number =proton number

Electron number = proton number

Atoms contain positive protons, negative electrons and neutrons


Ions are charged atoms. There are two types of ions, positive and negative. Positive ions are formed when an atom loses its electrons. Negative ions are formed when an atom gains electrons.

Static Electricity:

Static electricity is when charge builds up on an insulator, then stays static.

Static electricity is created on insulating materials. It cannot be made on a conductor because a conductor moves the electricity along.When you rub insulating materials the electrons are transferred. The material that loses electrons becomes a positive ion and the material that gains electrons become a negative ion. Positive ions attract negative ions but repel positive ones. 

Dangers of static electricity:


Clouds get charged by…


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