Sociology Unit 4

  • Created by: Maria
  • Created on: 15-04-14 20:51


Globalisation involves the interconnection of nation states and the individuals within them. This interconnectedness is reflected in terms of culture, economics and politics.

Globalisation refers to 2 related processes;

A blurring of Geographical Boundaries, and increased connectivity between individuals, nations and regions.

An increased awareness amongst the world’s population of this interconnectedness

Causes of Globalisation:

Global Crises – some issues need to be addressed on an international level

Transnational elites –seen a rise in organisation which transcend the borders of individual nations, e.g. WTO, UN and TNC

Trade Liberalisation – the rise of Neoliberalism increased global trade as trade barriers were removed (laissez faire and Thatcher/Reagan)

The end of the Cold war – the world was divided by the conflict between capitalism and communism. The end of this was significant by the collapse of the Berlin wall – ideas could flow freely

Technological Innovation – internet i.e. satellite, technology have speeded globalisation as people have instant communication and 24 hour news = Global Village

Transport and Tourism – people are experiencing global cultures first hand and sharing ideas, food etc

Impact of Globalisation

Economic Impacts – a global economy rather than making and selling goods within a single country. Activity is now on a global scale.

Diffusion of production – supply of materials, manufacturing and distribution is split across


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