Setting realistic targets


When drawing a plan to improve health and wellbeing it is important to include targets not only to motivate the person following the plan but also so progress can be monitored.

SMART Targets:

Specific - the target must be clearly stated, saying exactly what is meant, such as walk for 20 minutes a day for one week. This is clear and cannot be misunderstood or used as an excuse.

Measurable - it is too vague to say do more exercise, an amount must be stated, so you can prove that you have met the target.

Achievable - the person must feel it is possible to achieve the target set otheriwse they will give up. Asking some one to exercise for 4 hours a day is not achievable but 20 minutes a day is reasonable.

Realistic - the target set must be realistic; the person ust be able to do it. It is unrealistic to expecct someone who is older and not very fit to run


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