Reform Stability And Stagnation 1953-1985


Reform, Stabiltiy and Stangnation 1953-1985

  • 1953 Beria introduced an amnesty for non political prisoners 
  • April 1953 amnesty extended to some counter revolutionaries 
  • Party comission in the MVD, secret police rehabilitated 4620 prisoners
  • Prison Labour in MVD also terminated
  • 1953 Beria introduced republics refoms, all leaders of republics should speak the language 
  • 1953-1956 Khruskchev replaced 44% of central comitee and half of the regional cadres, with his own supporters
  • 1954 cut central controlled industry to 44%, meant to cut power of state and attack Malenkov
  • The Secret Speech, 1956, twentieth party congress, criticised stalin and revealed


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