ISSUES AND DEBATES -Idiographic and nomothetic approaches (16)


 Idiographic - Focus on individual case to understand bhvr

Nomothetic - Study groups to produce general laws of human behaviour

Idiographic - 

  • See person as unique with subjective experiences, motivations and values
  • Associated with methods to produce qualitative data e.g. case studies and unstructured questionnaires 
  • Aim to gain insight into persons unique way of viewing world

Examples - 

Humanistic approach: Maslow and Rogers 

See selves as anti scientific 

Concerned about unique experience not general laws

Psychodynamic approach: Freud

Case study but did apply universal laws of bhvr so is more nomothetic

Nomothetic - 

  • Aim to produce general laws of human bhvr
  • Uses methods to produce quantitative data e.g Experiments
  • Study large sample of people representtive of population
  • Establish similarities and differences
  • Usually use random sampling


Usually incorporate


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