Psychological therapies: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy



Ratioanl emotive behavioural therapy was developed by Albert Ellis.

many problems are actually the result of irrstional thinking, individuals frequently develop self-defeating habits because of faulty beliefs about themselves and the world around them. 

REBT helps the client understand this irrationally and the consequences of thinking like this. it helps them substitue more effective problem-solving methods. it is used when the therapist belives the underlying problem is due to unrealistic  beliefs.

 How does it work? 

 our beliefs are the main influence behind our emotional well-being. irrational beliefs lead to self- defeating thoughts.

the ABC model is at the heart of the therapy. (A= Activating Event, B= Belief, C= Consequence) it aims to change irrational beliefs to rational beliefs.

Changing Rational Beliefs

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