

Structure of amino acids

  • amino acids combine to form a polypeptide
  • polypeptides can be combined to form proteins
  • evidence for evolution: the same 20 amino acids occur in all living organisms
  • every amino acid has a central carbon atom to which are attached 4 different groups:

1. amino group (-NH2): a basic group which gives the amino acid the amino part of the name

2. carboxyl group (-COOH): acidic group

3. hydrogen atom (-H)

4. R (side) group: a variety of different chemical groups. Each amino acid has a different R group.

Formaton of a peptide bond

  • amino acid monomers can come together to form a dipeptide in a condensation reaction
  • the water is made by combining an -OH from the carboxyl group with an -H from the amino group of another amino acid
  • the 2 amino acids then become linked by a peptide bond between the C atom of one amino acid and the N one of another
  • the peptide bond of a dipeptide can be broken down by hydrolysis


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