Properties of water

  • Created by: Ruby
  • Created on: 08-11-12 23:12

1.Describe/Explain how Hydrogen bonding occurs between water molecules

-Water is a polar molecule and forms extremely weak interactions/bonds. However, throusands of them are enough to satbilise the large polemerised structure

·         Hydrogen bonds are a type of bond that hold individual monomer water molecule together in order to form polymers

·         Hydrogen Bonds are formed when OS- part of water molecule is more electronegative than Hs+ part of another h20 mol since the electrons are not shared perfectly equally

·         The OS- pole of a molecule pulls the HS+ pole of the molecule because the OS- wants to pull the electrons towards itself from the HS+ region of another water molecule, leaving the hydrogen slightly +ve/O -ve

·         This forms weak bonds/interactions called Hydrogen bonds


2.Describe/Explain the properties of water

1. Hydrogen bonds in Liquid water and ice have a high Boiling point

-Pure water forms Hydrogen bonds with each other, allowing the polymerized molecule to exists as they do

-Hydrogen bonds forms a network that allow the molecules to slide over each other as the new bonds break/make

-This makes it more difficult for water molecules to break its interactions in the network, difficult to change state form a liquid and a gas, thus water has a high boiling point

                 Low temperatre

-Water has reduced kinetic energy, so water molecules collide less

-More Hydrogen bonds are formed and Less hydrogen bonds are broken (need


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