Progressivism and Progress


What is Progressivism?

Progressivism was a wide-ranging movement expressing discontent and demands for social and political reform. Progressivism was urban, middle-class and national. It linked together several themes:

·       attacks on political corruption

·       demands to regulate business and break up cartels and trusts

·       female suffrage and women’s rights

·       higher standards of public morality, such as prohibition of alcohol

·       protection of workers against unjust employers

·       protection of the environment against pollution and land-grabbing


Progressivism and Theodore Roosevelt:

·       Roosevelt gained  reputation for battling corruption when he was a police commissioner in New York City.

·       Roosevelt pursued policies to regulate big business ie. He blocked the creation of the Northern securities- a huge new monopoly to control railroads between the Great Lakes and the Pacific coast. 

·       In 1904 Supreme Court ordered Northern Securities to be broken up.

·       1906 Hepburn Act passed to ensure closer regulation of railroads.

Roosevelt's Progressive Measures:

·       Anti-Trust Measures:

·       Determined to make the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 more effective.

·       In 1902 instructed his attorney- general (Philander C. Knox) to start proceedings against the Northern Securities Company, a company which controlled several railroads in the north-east of USA.

·       Involved taking on powerful businessmen e.g Rockefeller and J.P Morgan, who appeared to be using the company's monopoly to create excess profits.

·       Roosevelt embarked on 44 antitrust prosecutions.

·       In 1903- a new Department of Commerce with a cabinet secretary was set up, able to collect data from any business that was dealing with interstate commerce. Roosevelt played an important part in getting this legislation passed.

·       Labour Relations:

·       Roosevelt prepared to intervene in industrial disputes such as the anthracite coal strike of 1902.

·       Employers had locked out miner who went on strike for better wages and an 8 hour day.

·       Roosevelt summoned both sides to Washington, telling the employers that unless they agreed to arbitration he would send troops into work the mines.

·       The employers settled, raising wages and offering a 9 hour day.

·       Previous Presidents has always taken


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