Pressure Groups

  • Created by: mercyhw
  • Created on: 20-06-17 22:44

Pressure groups are  a way to bring about change on issues. They campaign on issues they feel strongly about. There are single cause and multicause groups and protective and promotional groups.

Pressure groups use a number of methods to protest such as: illegal or direct activity, riots, letter writing, promotional posters, marches, petitions, articles, tv coverage, publicity stunts, social media, adverts and boycots/strikes.

Amesty International

Protective group


Promote Human Rights, campaign for missing people, people being held and tortured, no fair trail, violation of freedom of speech. 

Their main method of protesting is letter writing, they got hundred of people writing letters to governments etc. 

Benefits of letter writing:

  • Formal which gives them added importance
  • a physical thing, which means they are harder to ignore
  • can show support to family and this helps them and shows them they are not alone
  • if there are many puts people under pressure to answer them


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