P6.2 Radioactivity

  • Created by: Georgi_mx
  • Created on: 25-01-17 20:03

P2.6.1 - Observing Nuclear Radiation

  • Discovered by accident by Henri Becquerel. 
  • - an image of a key appeared on a photographic film when the key was left between the film and a packet of uranium salts.
  • - he concluded that something must have passed from the uranium salts through the paper that the film was wrapped in, but it must have been blocked by the metal keys.
  • - He asked his assistant, Marie Curie, to have a look into this and she concluded that it was Radioactivity.

How it works

  • Radioactive emissions happen when some nuclei of an element are unstable. 
  • - they become stable by emitting radiation.
  • - there are three types; alpha, beta and gamma
  • - alpha and beta are particles whilst gamma is a form of energy.

Background Radiation

  • It is everywhere most of the time,
  • Most comes from natural resources including;
  • - radon gas in the air (50%)
  • - radioactive rocks in the ground (14%)
  • - cosmic rays (10 %)
  • - 12% is in our food
  • Only around 13% comes from man made resources mostly medical - using x-rays.
  • Less than 1% comes from nuclear power and fallout from nuclear explosions and accidents.

P2.6.2 - The Discovery of the Nucleus

Democtritus (450BC)

  • Blind guesses
  • Cut stuff in half and thought that repeated cutting into something would get to the part where it could not be split anymore.
  • said that everything would be made of particles
  • came up with the idea that matter was made of particles.
  • called them A Tomos - iron=iron particles
  • Each particle was different (cheese=cheese particles)
  • - atoms had the particles of the things that they formed.

Dalton (1803)

  • Determined that elements existed of discrete particles of matter.
  • - thought they were solid spheres of matter that should not be split.
  • Reintroduced the ideas that everything was made of atoms 
  • - each atom same but had a different arrangement 
  • - each element contained identical atoms
  • - said that each atom was microscophic and that it couldn't be seen with the eye.

JJ Thomson (1897)

  • Made the plum pudding model
  • - thought all was negative with positive parts in the middle (floating at random)
  • - discovered tiny particles with a negative charge -> these negative particles were given out by atoms and smaller by atoms.
  • Managed to estimate the mass of cathode rays 
  • - was 1000 times lighter than hydrogen
  • - called electrons, corpuses and that they were made of very small light particles -> DISCOVERED THE ELECTRON
  • His ideas didn't fit with Dalton's model of the atom, proposed a new model (plum pudding)

Rutherfold + Geiger + Marsden (1907)

  • Experiment with a thin sheet of gold foil
  • - figured out protons.
  • Discovered the nucleus 
  • - discovered that most of the atom is empty space.
  • Disaproved…




Very thorough