Outline and Access the view that YOUTH is SOCIALLY CONSTRUCTED.


NATURE vs NURTURE Debate = is our behaviour determined by genes or by environment?Biological Approach to youth (genes) = youth is universal and stress is caused by hormones. However, not all adolescent's experience 'storm and stress', this view is too deterministic and ignores social factors of teenagers lives.

Social Construction of youth (environment) = stress is caused by difficult decisions/situations. Evidence to support that youth is more socially constructed: 1. Anthropological evidence: Margaret Mead's anthropological study of growing up in Samoa(1928) suggests that teenage mood swings are not inevitable, as in Samoa, there was a simple and relaxed society, providing a peaceful transition into adulthood unlike Western society. However, people criticise Meads research as there could be elements of researcher bias, due to the fact that she was writing a book and could have over exaggerated.2. Initiation rites: Different countries say that youth starts at different ages. For example, The Jewish 'Bar Miitzvah' distinguishes a 'responsible male' at the age of 13, while the Spanish 'Quinceanera' is a coming of age ceremony held on a girls 15th birthday.These initiation rites show age…


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