Opposition to the Poor law Commission

  • Created by: Abigail
  • Created on: 28-02-14 17:59


  • workhouse, factory and millworkers were all faced with lay offs and short hours and they all needed relief to cover for this
  • anti-poor law associates were uniting with tories like John Fielden
  • the South Lancashire Anti Poor Law Association set up 38 committees who aimed to stop the new poor law being implemented
  • armed riots took place in Oldham, Rochdale, Huddersfield and Bradford
  • in Bradford, 1838, assisstant commissioner Alfred Power was threatened by the mob and pelted with stones & tinned cans
  • in Stockport 1842, workhouses were attacked and bread was handed out to the poor outside
  • John Fielden was a radical MP who shut down his factories in protest and refused to pay the new poor rate
  • his workers attacked the houses of local guardians
  • it took troops to suppress the outrage and restore order (in Todmorden)
  • opposition was short lived
  • even in areas that were organised, it eventually fell apart


  • in Devon…


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