Of Mice and Men - Plot Summary and Key Details [2023 Yr 10]

  • Created by: Arkatme
  • Created on: 07-01-23 13:16

Of Mice and Men Revision [GCSE]


Key Plot Details

• George tells Lennie off for keeping a dead mouse

• Lennie wants George to talk about the dream the two of them have (THE AMERICAN DREAM)

• George and Lennie go to the ranch in Soledad, California

• The two meet the others on the ranch

• Carlson kills Candy's dog (Old, half blind, can barely walk, in pain)

• Candy asks and wants to be part of George and Lennie's dream (Refer to key)

• Lennie crushes Curley (boss' son)'s hand (All bones broken. Slim says to Curley that his hand was crushed in a machine to avoid

George and Lennie being fired)

• Crooks (black man, little rights, symbol of racism) no longer wants part in the dream (Refer to key)

• Lennie accidentally kills Curley's wife (no name, symbol of misogyny) due to his immense strength

• George finds and kills Lennie before the other men do (better fate than what the men would do to Lennie)


• George and Lennie's dream - Their own land, with a ranch with everything included, and a place for Lennie to tend the rabbits.)


Lennie pets his pup, who died after being squeezed to death by Lennie by mistake.

Curley's Wife enters the barn and attempts to talk to Lennie. Lennie ignores her as he knows George doesn't want him talking to her. She comforts him when she sees the dead puppy, so he talks to her.

Lennie talks to her about the dream. **HE TOLD HER THAT HE LIKES TO TOUCH SOFT THINGS.** Curley's Wife lets Lennie stroke…


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