Notes on Plath's Morning Song (New life, ambiguity…) - QUOTES, POINTS, AND HUGHES FULL MOON AND LITTLE FRIEDA




Morning Song

  • "Morning Song" - The title possesses alternative meanings, already suggesting the uncertainy of new life/birth - the contrasting homophone "mourning", connotating to the death of the speakers identity perhaps, or the grief  of losing independace as a mother, contrasts to the more obvious meaning of new life, birds, nature, joy and a fresh start. 
  • "Love set you going like a fat gold watch." - Positive metaphor presents new life as a possesion, something the speaker is proud of, but it will also come to an end. Also something vauable that needs protecting in the world.
  • "echo", "New statue." "drafty museum", "walls", "statue" - Change in attitutude - the speaker uses the semantic field of distance and place to show the ambiguity of new life, and her ambivalent feelings towards birth. Perhaps refers to the inability to communicate with the unborn, or perhaps foreshadowing the distance between mother and daughter as the offspring grow up in the future?
  • "moth-breath", "flat pink roses", "dull stars" - Unpleasant imagery, incongruity could be seen as dark, having connotations of death - unexpected imagery, ambiguous - however, also the soft wings and roses connotate to life, and perhaps bed covers? Suggests the continuous change of attitudes to new life, doubt and uncertainty of how the speaker feels. 
  • "stumble",


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