Non-communicable diseases


Non-communicable diseases

Non-communicable diseases

Non-communicable diseases are diseases that are not contagious.

Risk factors for disease include life aspects (smoking and diet, for example) and substances in your body or in the environment.

causal mechanism is how one factor influences another through a biological process and shows a link.

Disease affects the affected individual and their family, financial cost, and the global economy.


tumour forms when mitosis goes out of control and cells grow abnormally with little time to grow in between. 

Benign tumours are contained in one place and do not invade other parts of the body, but they can grow large rapidly and cause pressure or damage to organs.

Malignant tumours can spread around the body and divide and release small clumps of cell into the bloodstream, which circulates around the body and forms secondary tumours, which disrupts tissues.

Cancer is caused by genetics, mutations, ionising radiation, and viruses.

Radiotherapy is when cancer cells are destroyed by targeted radiation doses, stopping mitosis but affecting healthy cells too.

Chemotherapy stops cancer cell growth or causes them to self-destruct.

Smoking and the risk of disease

Tobacco contains nicotine, which is addictive and gives a sense of reward; and carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas which is odourless


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