Nervous system and the reflex arc

  • Created by: Pilot94
  • Created on: 29-04-23 09:32


The nervous system allows us to react the enviornment around us and co-odernate actions in response to stimuli

1. receptor cells convert a stimulus into an eletrical impulse

2, This eletrical impulse travels along cells called sensory neurones to the central nervous system (CNS)

3. the information is processed in the CNS and the appropriate response is co-ordinated, resulting in an eletrcial impulse being sent along motor neurones to effectors

4. the effectors carry out the response (this may be muscles contracting or glands secreting hormones)


Automatic responses may take place before you can think about them and are called reflexes

They are important because they prevent an individual from getting hurt.

This is because information travels down a pathway called the reflex


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