Natural Moral Law Overview


Naturalistic fallacy – The is ought theory where just because something is that way doesn’t mean it ought to be that way

Contraception – Natural Law prevents the use of Artificial contraception as it goes against the primary precepts

Evolution / Big Bang Theory –No need for God to create Nature

One nature – Everything has the same human nature when actually people have different natures

Consequences – The consequences depend on the actions that you do day to day and sometimes the consequences can be bigger than the action

Sanctity / Personhood – Natural law goes in favour of Sanctity of Life. If a woman was ***** by her dad she should have the opportunity to abort but Natural Law states otherwise in the Primary and Secondary Precepts

Useful for Theists & Atheists – Both can use Natural Moral Law

Avoids relativism – Right and wrong actions do not depend on the consequences of your actions / situation / culture etc.

Proportionalism – Provided by Bernard Hoose which says that Natural Law can be thrown out of the window if the consequences of the


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