Maternal deprivation evaluation

  • Created by: gemshort
  • Created on: 25-01-18 19:30

Strength - supported by research evidence (Levy et al)
Levy et al (2003) showed that separating baby rats from their mother for as little as a day had a permanent effect on their social development, though not other aspects of development. Animal research has therefore provided some support for the idea that maternal deprivation can have long-term side effects

Weakness - Bowlby's evidence is flawed
Bowlby drew on a number of sources as evidence for maternal deprivation, including studies of children orphaned during WWII, those growing up in poor quality orphanages and his 44 thieves stud. These are all flawed as evidence. War orphans were often traumatised and had poor aftercare; children growing up in orphanages were deprived of many aspects of care (not just maternal); and the 44 thieves study had major design flaws, most importantly investigator bias, as Bowlby carried out the assessments himself…


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