Marxism and the Family

  • Created by: pripriaj
  • Created on: 20-02-16 15:00

Marxist theory of the family

There are three main marxist theorists: Engles, Zaretsky and Marcuse.

Marxism  is a conflict theory- stating that there is inequality in society and a conflict between the Ruling/ Captalist class and the working class.

The Capitalist class owns the means of production and they exploit the working class.

 They believe the family's functions are purely for the benefit of the capitalist system.

They also believe that the family benefits both society and it's individual members.

Engles : Inheritance of property

Engles believes that the development of private property has led to the capitalist society we live in and has created the monogomous patriarchal nuclear family. This is because a class of men were able to secure the rights to private property, These men had to be certain of the paternity of their sons so that they could have legitimate heirs to


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