Make that first year one to remember


So this is it. The lazy days of summer are over (that is, if you found time for lazy days while earning money for school) and your first year of university or college looms on the horizon.

Whether you've just graduated from high school or have spent the last few years working, adjusting to life as a post-secondary student can be a bit difficult. With that in mind, here are some handy-dandy tips to help you survive your first month in the ivory tower.

Textbooks - Do not, I repeat, DO NOT buy all the textbooks on your reading list. You might think professors would only put textbooks they were actually going to use on a list, but you'd be surprised how often a "required" book ends up being used once and then never again.

Profs will usually tell you during the first class which books they consider absolutely essential versus those you might be able to borrow once from the library or never even read at all. In some cases, they may even tell you that while the expensive new edition is what they're using, a cheaper older edition will work just fine for a poor student like you. Find these things out before you go nuts buying a stack of shiny, synthesis essay outline, new, and expensive textbooks.

Speaking of buying new textbooks - don't. If at all possible, try to find used textbooks. Some first-year students don't even realize their school has a used bookstore, but lots of schools have one run by the student association. Find out where it is and use it as much as you can.

Start good habits - In university and college, no one is responsible for your education but you. The good part is that there's no one breathing down your neck to make sure you do your reading assignments and attend class. The bad part... well, ironically, the bad part is sort of the same as the good part.

It can be so easy to get into the habit of skipping a class or "forgetting" to read your textbook, but it's really not worth it in the end. Once you get used to doing it, it can be twice as hard to get back into good


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