Lord of the Flies Summary

  • Created by: s0ph13x
  • Created on: 14-01-17 18:10

Chapter 1-3

  • A group of school boys are stranded on an island after a plane crash. There are no adults.
  • They have a meeting and Ralph is elected chief, but Jack also wanted the job.
  • Ralph, Jack and Simon explore. Jack nearly kills a piglet, but he hesitates and it escapes
  • The younger boys (littluns) are afraid of a beast that one of them thinks he saw at night
  • Ralph uses Piggy's glasses to light a fire to signal ships. The boys are excited by the fire at first, but it gets out of control and a littlun is killed
  • Ralph spends all his time building shelters with Simon - he gets angry that all Jack and the other older boys do is hunt. Ralph and Jack then argue, then makeup. Simon goes off into the forest to be by himself

Chapter 4-6

  • Ralph, Piggy and Simon see a ship, but Jack has taken all the bots hunting and let the signal fire go out. The ship disappears without noticing them.
  • The hunters come back chanting, with a pig that Jack has killed.
  • Ralph and Jack argue about the fire. Jack hits Piggy, breaking his glasses
  • They act out the hunt - Maurice pretends to be the pig while…


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