Live Lounge Diaries..


To do before the show:

- Risk assessment (Josh)

- Mentoring (Megan, Olivia, Ethan)

- Refreshments (costing, selling price?)

- Acts (running order, with all songs)

- Rehearsing after school (Feeling Good)

- Layout of the performance space(staging)

- Questionnaires for audience to fill in.

- Posters/promotion ideas.

Job list on the night of the show:

- Presenters: Megan and myself.

- Lights (Josh and the tech crew)

- Selling refreshments on the night (Amber, Megan, Millie, Olivia)

- Guides (Gareth, Millie, Olivia)

- Fire wardens (Dave, Josh, site staff)

- Backstage crew (Becca, Freya, Gareth, Millie, Amber)

- Staging (Roadie)- Gareth, Connor, Billy, Kieran

- First aid (Sam)


Becca: refreshments, backstage.

Olivia: mentor, gide, backstage.

Freya: mentor, backstage, presenter.

Billie: roadie.

Kieran: roadie.

Gareth: roadie, mentor, guide.


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