Liberal Reforms - What reforms were introduced?

  • Created by: joshlad
  • Created on: 19-10-16 18:55

What liberal reforms were introduced?

They were aimed at three groups - children, the old and poor workers

Children: Greater protection

1) In 1906, local authorities were allowed to introduce free school meals which guaranteed at least one wholesome meal a day. About half did so - it wasn't compulsory. 

2) In 1907, local authorities had to provide regular medical checks on children. Later school clinics were introduced.

3) In 1908, the Children and Young Persons Act was introduced. This meant that parents could be prosecuted for neglecting their children. They also couldn't insure they child's life and special courts and prisons (called Borstals) were set up.

The Elderly: Pensions to protect the old

1) In 1908, a


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