Learning E.O.P. Evaluation



  • Population validity: this links to whether or not the sample was large and varied enough for the results of the experiment to be generalised to the whole population. Our sample was 25 college students from St Peters College, Sunderland aged 16-18 years old (11 of which were male, and 14 of which were female). Our sample was very small and not varied at all meaning the results cannot be generalised to the whole population however, it may be possible to generalise the results to other students from St Peters College, Sunderland or even other students from the North East of England. This means the population validity of our test was low, and limited.
  • Experimental validity: this links to whether or not the participants knew what they were doing was an experiment or whether they believed it was a real-life experience. Our experiment was a covert observation meaning the participants did not know they were involved in the experiment, meaning the experimental validity was high. This also means that the participants would not have been susceptible to demand characteristics as they did not know they were involved in an experiment and therefore could…


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