Labelling Theory of Crime


Labelling theory of crime 

Interactionists say that deviant people are not different from everyone else

Interpretevists stress that deviance varies over time and place becuase it is socially constructed.

  • Becker (1963) challenged the assumption that sociologists should focus on what causes people to ct in deviant ways , instead suggesting to study how an act becomes to be labelled as deviant by the rest of society and the consequences of that label or reaction
  • The sane behaviour gets different reactions based on the social situation. Becker thought there's therefore nothing intrinsically deviant about the act itself.
  • The reaction of those around you is what makes you recognise your behaviour as deviant

Being labelled as deviant can affect future behaviour

Interactionists argue that we form our identity by interpreting how others respond to us.

A label can have a positive or negative effect and help us define


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