Key Study : The Stanford Prison Experiment - Conformity to Social Roles


Key Study : The Stanford Prison Experiment


A mock prison was set up in the basement of the psychology department at Stanford University. Male student volunteers were psychologically and physically screened and the 24 most stable of these were randomly assigned to either play the role of 'prisoner' or 'guard'.

The prisoners were unexpectedly arrested at home and on entry to the 'prison' they were put through a delousing procedure, given a prison uniform and assigned an ID number. The guards referred to the prisoners only by these numbers throughout the study. Prisoners were allowed certain rights, including three meals and three supervised toilet trips a day and two visits per week. Participants allocated the role of guard were given uniforms, whistles and wore reflective sunglasses. Zimbardo took the role of Prison Superintendent. The study was planned to last two weeks.


Over the first few days of the study the guards grew increasingly tyrannical and abusive toward the prisoners. They woke prisoners in the night and forced them to clean the toilets with their bare hands and made them carry out other degrading activities. Some guards were so enthusiastic in their role that they volunteered to do extra hours without pay.

The participants appeared at times to forget that this was only a psychological study and that they were merely acting. Even when they were unaware of being watched, they still conformed to their role of prisoner or guard. When one prisoner had had enough he asked for 'parole' rather than asking to withdraw from the study. Five prisoners had to be released early because of their extreme reactions - symptoms that had started to appear after just two days. The study was finally terminated after only six days , following the intervention of postgraduate student Christina Maslach who reminded the researchers that this was a psychological study and as such, did not justify the abuse being meted out to the participants. This study demonstrated that both guards and prisoners conformed to their social roles. The guards became increasingly cruel and sadistic and the prisoners became increasingly passive and accepting of their plight.

Conformity to roles is not automatic

Haslam and Reicher challenged Zimbardo's belief that the guards' drift into sadistic behaviour was an




大部分人听说统计 作业 代 写 都会认为离自己很远,然而统计学也并非什么稀奇的科目,如果想学统计学的话建议先从简单的了解统计学开始,了解它的概念,怎样学习。简而言之,统计学就是能够让你通过一大堆乱七八糟没有头绪的数据,找到那里面的隐含的规律,继而帮你的决定理清思路。统计学的研究范畴实际上是非常宽广的,除了比较常见到的数据分析之外,更关键就的是钻研设计,这既是统计学的开始,也是获得高水平数据的条件。 接着,科研设计简而言之,就是对全部的研究做一个全面的规划,该怎样去做,从最初的数据收集,到后面的统计整理,都是有一个规划。再做好全面的设计以后,就能够根据这个规划安排自己的科研,就是怎么实施,怎么获取材料等。在得到数据材料以后,就得开始统计分析了。