keeping healthy topic one


Balanced diet

A balanced diet contains the correct amounts of:

  • carbohydrates
  • protiens
  • fats
  • vitamins
  • minerals
  • fibre
  • water

your body uses carbohydrates, protiens and fats to release the energy you need to live and build new cells. you need small amounts of vitamins and minerals for your body to work healthily. without them you will suffer deficiency diseases. if you don't have a balanced diet then you will end up malnourished.

The amount of energy you need to live dependes on lots of different things some of these things you can change and some you cant.

Males need to take in more energy than a female of the same age-unless she is pregnant.

If you are a teenager, you will need more energy than if you are in your 70s.

Your food supplies energy to your muscles as they the amount of exercise you do affects the amount…


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