Individual Differences- Psychological Abnormality


Individual Differences- Psychological Abnormality

Deviation from Social Norms: Breaking Social Rules

Sometimes these British rules are unwritten but generally excepted, examples might include the British habit of queuing in shops and at ticket offices, or not standing too close to people when talking to them. However, in some countries, queuing is uncommon, and while in conversation, some people might stand closer during conversation, whereas British people might find that uncomfortable.

Here are some limitations with this approach:

-Behaviour that deviates from social norms is not always a sign of psychopahology. For example, you might see someone dresses in a full diving suit staggering across the pavement, but then you realise they are taking part in a charity walk. This also emphasises the importance of taking the context of behaviour into account.

-Social norms vary over time. Homosexuality was included in the American classification system for the psychiatric disorders up until the 1960s. Since then attitudes have changed and homosexuality is no longer seen as a psychopathology. This means that DSN does not provide an absolute definition of abnormality, but it is era-dependent.

2 Critiscms: -legal system says people have control over their own behaviour.

-each behaviour is different in different cultures

Failure to Function Adequately: Inability to cope with everyday life

Coventially we wake up in the morning, get dressed, go to work/college. As young adults we


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