How Mussolini gained power in 1919-22

  • Created by: agracex
  • Created on: 02-02-24 09:22

Worsening political situation in Italy

  • Ongoing strikes led to resignation of Nitti June 1920- replaced by Giolitti. His solution to 1920 strike was to seek compromise by pressurising banks to withdraw support for companies who refused to negotiate with striking workers- short term success
  • Giolitti faced backlash for 'giving in' to workers, contrasting with Fascists who, through violence, were seen as a force preventing revolution, by supporters
  • Political and social chaos helped the fascists

Weakness of opposition

  • In 1921, radical PSI members formed the PCI with support from Russian communists. The split weakened the movement while Italians desired stability
  • Mussolini claimed fascist actions saved Italy from a left-wing revolution (propaganda)
  • In 1922…


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